Thursday, November 21, 2013

Really Bad Joke and a Small Amount of Information

So, a rope goes into a bar and sits down.

The bartender comes over and says, "You're a rope."

"Yes, I am," says the rope.

The bartender says, "We don't serve ropes in here. I'm sorry, but you'll have to leave."

So the rope gets up and goes outside. He ties himself up and fluffs out his ends. He goes back into the bar and sits down again on the same stool he was on before.

The bartender comes over to him and says suspiciously, "Say ... aren't you the rope I just threw out of here?"

Comes the answer: "I'm a frayed knot!"


A friend who has been sailing for over sixty years passed this tip on to us. He's amazed that he didn't learn it until he'd been sailing for more than 20 years.

When you coil a rope, do it clockwise, not counter-clockwise. The rope is twisted when it's made in a way that will cause it to want to knot all up if you coil it counter-clockwise.

He also had a tip about the "geezer halyard" I wrote about yesterday, in fact any halyard. He recommends against hanking the halyard and hanging it from its winch. You may need to use it very quickly. He recommends coiling it in a circle (clockwise, of course). He suggests stowing it in a bag. It will be much easier to use in a hurry if stowed that way.

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